Monday, September 30, 2019

Should the U.S. Increase Spending on the Space Program

Should the U. S. Government Increase Spending On The Space Program A group of children lie in the tall grass on a moonless night, staring in wonder up at the hundreds of diamond pinpoints glittering across the heavens. This peaceful scene could have taken place at any point in history, from the cave dwelling Neanderthal, to a family celebrating a warm summer evening together at a local park. The Heavens have always been a source of passionate fascination and wonderment for intelligent beings. Nearly every culture throughout known time has had legends about the heavens or the stars.In fact, to many cultures, Greek and Roman for example, the night skies were so magical that the heavens were the focal point of their creation myths. In more recent times, we have begun to be less superstitious about the star studded expanse above us, astrology aside, and begun to apply scientific fact and mathematical certainties to that very mysterious beyond. We began to have the technological advanceme nts that would make it possible to actually begin decoding the mysteries of, and then amazingly, foraying into that last frontier which culminated in the U. S. eing the only country to have ever put a man on the moon. So why did it essentially end there? Think about this, every time you use your smart phone, you are holding in the palm of your hand more technology than was used to navigate the first moon landing. Yet, despite our marked leaps forward in the applied sciences in the last fifteen years, which have the potential to make frequent, smaller scale, passenger accompanied space travel plausible and much safer, the space program in the United States seems to merit less and less government funding every passing year.So with all of space waiting to be discovered, decoded, and explored, why do we as a country, seem to be turning our backs on the space program? Arguments abound as to why the space program is a waste of our precious time, government resources and technology. Those opposed to the space program argue that the funds used to put equipment into orbit around the earth and used to build space shuttles and design rocket fuel powerful enough to launch hundreds of thousands of pounds of metal tens of thousands of miles, hould instead be used to revitalize a sluggish economy, fix our severely inadequate public education system or be used to fund research geared toward helping to reverse some of the damage mankind has done to the planet we already inhabit. Proponents of shutting down space programs completely and diverting funds elsewhere also make points that if we had these brilliant minds working on projects like the U. S. Infrastructure or clean energy instead of frittering away their talents on useless space projects, that we could quickly solve some very large problems facing our country.Most of these arguments are well thought out and make very valid points however, they seem to miss the fact that our way of life would be very different if NASA ha d never existed. Take for example during the early Apollo missions. NASA scientists realized that they needed better, clearer pictures of the moons surface in order to determine if landing a man on the moon was even a feasible idea. They put their heads together and in the 1960's they came up with digital image processing. A revolutionary step in technology that would allow the scientists to use computers to enhance pictures of the moons surface.Soon after the discovery this technology exploded on the scene in the medical industry as medical researchers discovered that they could modify NASA's technology to better see organs in the human body without surgery. These breakthroughs are still used today. We know them as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT) scans which save millions of lives every single year. Speaking of lives, another lifesaving device came from modified NASA technology, though not in the medical field.An engineer saw the massive rocket launche rs that propel massive spacecrafts into deep space and it gave him an idea. He approached the government with the idea and was granted permission to partner with and research his vision. In a few short years they has modified the rocket propulsion system, minimized it and it is now used across the united states to fight fires. It propels the water at such a high pressure that it has revolutionized putting out fires. It's quicker, safer and it also wastes no precious water.Even our comfort levels have been raised due to NASA's research. They needed something to reduce the bone jarring impact of spacecrafts landing. So they created a polyurethane, silicone, plastic blend to help protect astronauts and cargo. We know this today as memory foam and it is in everything from car seats to protect the most innocent among us to mattresses, motorcycle helmets, recliners and even Fido's bed. There are dozens, if not hundreds of examples of how space exploration technology vastly improved daily life in America.Even if you choose not to look at the way NASA launched the American people into a safer, more comfortable America you would have to be wearing blinders to not recognize how NASA launched the U. S. Into the lead politically. The space race between the United States and the Soviet Union had it's origins in the missile based Arms Race that occurred at the end of World War II. The Space Race marked unprecedented spending on education and pure research which accelerated scientific advancement at a rate previously unheard of.In other words, most of the technology we have today in the United States as well as the comfortable way that we live is due to NASA and to our govenrment investing well in the future of its future generations. Spending on both programs has been cut steeply in the last fifteen years and we have had little new technology advance and also we are generating graduates that are unskilled for the hightech jobs and positions that need to be filled in order t o keep the U. S. Advancing forward.Take a look at the numbers. In 1012 NASA was allocated 18. 7 Billion from the Federal Government. I know that sounds huge but it's actually less then 1% of the entire U. S. Budget. 69. 8 billion went to education and that's obviously a lot more than NASA's funding but if you look at the bigger picture the Defense got 670 billion. To put it another way, science, advancement and technology received less than one percent of the nations budget. Education is doing a bit better at nearly five percent but Defense?That's almost twenty seven percent of our nations budget. I think we as a society need to come together and ask our government to help us launch America forward again by investing in out space programs. After all, as The President of the United States himself said â€Å"For pennies on the dollar, the space program has improved our lives, advanced our society, strengthened our economy, and inspired generations of Americans. † I would ask hi m to ensure that that never stops.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Changing social structure and mobility Essay

Rural Society: The village is the oldest permanent community of man. All early communities were basically rural in character. Bogardus says, â€Å"Human society has been cradled in the rural group†. The rural community is simply means a community that consists of people living in a limited physical area and who have common interests and common ways of satisfying them. Each society consists of different parts, such as individuals, groups, institutions, associations, and communities. The simplest analogy one can think of at this point is that of an organism that has different components working together as a whole. Society is a system like any other system, such as the solar system. The major features of rural society are: 1. Small size of village community, 2. Intimate relations, 3. Jajmani System, 4. Isolation, 5. Social homogeneity, 6. Informal Social Control, 7. Dominance of Joint Family, 8. Status of Rural Women, 9. Occupation, 10. Role of neighborhood, 11. Faith in religion, 12. Self Sufficiency, 13. Widespread caste system, 14. Simplicity, 15. Feelings, 16. Fellow feelings, 17. Conservatism, 18. Observance of moral norms, 19. Poverty, 20. Illiteracy, 21. Desire for Independence, 22. Dominance of primary relations, 23. Social Homogeneity, 24. Occupations, 25. Preservers of the Ancient culture of the society, 26. Legal Self Government, 27. Change in the Villages. Urban Society: As a result of development in science and technology, there has been industrial development. Due to industrial development there is urbanization as a result of which urban societies created. Every country has its own urban society. Every village possesses some elements of the city while every city carries some feature of the villages. Different criteria are used to decide a community as urban. Some of them are, for example, population, legal limits, types of occupations, social organizations. The city in the words of Louis wirth refers to â€Å"a relatively large, dense and permanent settlement of socially heterogeneous individuals. † The Major Features of Urban Society are: 1. Social Heterogeneity, 2. Secondary Relations, 3. Anonymity, 4. Secondary Control, 5. Large-scale Division of Labour and Specialization, 6. Large-scale social mobility, 7. Individuation, 8. Voluntary Association, 9. Social Reference, 10. Unstable Family, 11. Special Segregation, 12. Lack of community feeling, 13. Lack of unity in family, 14. Moral Laxity, 15. Unbalanced personality, 16. High incidence of crime, 17. Social disorganization, 18. Peculiarities of marital life, 19. Dynamic life, 20. Voluntary associations are formed quickly, 21. Artificial life. Forms of diversity in India Unity implies oneness or a sense of we-ness; it holds tightly together the various relationships of ethnic groups or institutions in a dovetailed manner through the bonds of contrived structures, norms and values. The sources of diversity in India may be traced through a variety of ways, the most obvious being the ethnic origins, religions, castes, tribes, languages, social customs, cultural and sub cultural beliefs, political philosophies and ideologies, geographical variations etc. A. Linguistic diversity The high degree of large diversity found in India is due to the existence of diverse population groups. The greatest variety in languages can be found in the one of the biggest democracies in the world. Most of these languages are distinct and have their own distinct form of writing and speech. The dictionary defines ‘Diversity’, as variety or different. Languages are defined as a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. In India, the tribal communities are smallest in geographical spread and in population strength. They cover only 8. 8% (1991census) of the Indian population. Not only we should consider linguistic diversity as a resource of human kind but also should conceive both the decline in the number of languages and the emerging trend in having mono linguistic dominance over small languages as a threat to our plural existence. It is to be accepted that even in the very ecological sense, like bio-diversity, linguistic diversity should also need to maintain. Post-Independence Period After India obtained its independence, policies had to be formulated for the administration of the newly born nation. While forming the constitution of India, the leaders of the nation had to come up with a national language. They decided on Hindi as the national language and the use of English for official purposes. The Present situation Though the situation has improved from the early fifties, there has not been a significant development. India still faces the problems due to the diversity in languages. One of the foremost problems is the lack of a unified language system. Though a national language was chosen among the 114 officially recognized languages and 216 (Census of 1991) mother tongues in India, only 28% of the populations speak this language. People in India have a sense of belonging to a particular language speaking community rather that the nation as a whole. B. Religious diversity Religion is a major concern of man. Religion is universal, permanent, pervasive and perennial interests of man. The institution of religion is universal. It is found in all the societies, past and present. Religious beliefs and practices are, however, far from being uniform. Religious dogmas have influenced and conditioned economic endeavors, political movements, properly dealings, and educational tasks. The major religions in India are following: Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Christianity, Islam, Parsi, The basic ideas and faith of the each religion differs. But they co existently stood in Indian society. The preamble of the Constitution of India proclaims India to be a secular republic where citizens may freely worship and propagate any religion of their choice. The right to freedom of religion is also declared as a fundamental right by the Constitution of India. Indian religions have exerted significant influence all over the world. PART II : FAMILY, MARRIAGE AND KINSHIP Family in Indian Society The family is the basic unit of society. It is the first and the most immediate social environment to which a child is exposed. It is in the family a child learns language, the behavioral Patterns and social norms in his childhood. In some way or the other the family is a universal group. It exists in tribal, rural and urban communities and among the followers of all religions and cultures. It provides the most enduring relationship in one form or other. From the moment of birth to the moment of death the family exerts a constant influence. In spite of the universal and permanent nature of the family one can also see vast difference in its structure in different societies. In tribal and agrarian societies people of several generations live together. These societies have large and ‘joint families’. In the industrial society the family is limited to husband, wife and their children. Sociologist calls it a ‘nuclear family’. The family is formed with number of members. These members live together. They have a home. They have definite purposes in living together. In this sense the family in a group. There is certain rules and procedures at the roots of the family. In this sense the family in an institution. Factors affected the family: A) The consanguine Family declines: The consanguineous or joint family tended to disappear especially in the western world and conjugal or nuclear family has become predominant with the increasing urbanization and industrialization people are less subject to Parental control which lessens social control. Women have attained a new legal status in which there is less discrimination between them and men. B). Increasing Rate of Divorce: Divorce is the most obvious symptom of family disintegration. Economic freedom, new life style, new idealities together creates an idea of free life. The traditional joint family system in India has under gone vast changes. They have definitely affected its structure and functions. Milton singer has identified most there are; Education, Industrialization, Urbanization, changes in the institution of marriage. C. Influence of education: Modern education affected joint family in several ways. It has brought about a change in the attitude, beliefs, values and ideologies of the people. Education which is spreading even amongst the females has created and aroused the individualistic feelings. The increasing education not only brings changes in the philosophy of life of men and women, but also provides new opportunities of employment to the women. After becoming economically independent, women demand more freedom in family affairs. They refuse to accept anybody’s domination over them. Education in this way brings changes in relations in the family.D. Impact of Industrialization: New system of production based on factory and new joint families have disintegrated considerably. 2. The impact of Economic and Technological changes: Industrial development and application of new advanced techniques reduced the economic functions of family. The technological changes took both the work and workers out of the home. E. Chang es in the position of women: The chief factor causing changes in the position of women in our society lie in her changing economic role. New economic rule provided a new position in society and especially in their relation to men.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Take-home exam for Mindfulness and Meditations class Essay

Take-home exam for Mindfulness and Meditations class - Essay Example This quality enables any mindful person to freely interact with their environment. From such free interactions, the person gets to learn more on the ideal response strategies to specific common scenario. Thirdly, mindfulness is characterized with acceptance (Baer 130). In this respect, the person is ready to accept fate and influences of the environment. This dictates that one makes various observations but remains non-judgmental. It is only through acceptance of various uncontrollable developments that one is able to enjoy their lives to the fullest. Finally, Mindfulness is characterized by love. This can be love for oneself or for others and the environment. This aspect of love promotes the acceptability of the mindful person to a wide range of audience. According to Baer, mindfulness involves remaining non-judgmental. In this regard, one is to be a keen observer of occurrences in the environment, but avoid forming stereotyped opinions on the occurrences. Rather, one should accept things as they are, only looking for ideal ways to make the situation better. Further, mindfulness should be present-oriented. This enables the person to tackle and respond to issues in real-time. Such present orientation also enables the person to maintain self-consciousness. Baer further notes the need of mindfulness to involve capacity for self observation, a property that is essential in alleviating over-reliance on secondary data sources. The fourth facet of mindfulness is the association of different scenarios with the intentions behind them. This labeling of words and occurrences is important in creating better understanding of the world. Finally, mindfulness involves non-reactivity. This dictates that one makes critical observations, but exhibits n o negative reactions towards such developments. a. Knowing what is happening while it is happening (Awareness): this aspect is promoted by the focus of mindfulness on present setting. Through such present- centered

Friday, September 27, 2019

CJUS 330 DB2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CJUS 330 DB2 - Essay Example This is through hiring public defenders for them. The government ensures that traditional public defenders get paid so that indigent defendants get representation in court. Though not established in the constitution, it is paramount that the government provide defenders for the destitute, free of charge. The expenses incurred will be catered for by the government (Neubauer & Fradella, 2010). This is as the agreement between the parties dictates. In order to maintain the indigent defenders’ rights and privileges, one has to be aware of what they are going through (Howell & Yedid, 2003). They must be going through difficulties since they cannot raise an attorney’s fee when the need arises. Understanding people can put one in their position, and thus, represent them as they are supposed to be. In conclusion, it is imperative that all those in positions that can help others play their roles as required. If they cannot perform these basic functions, then they should not be in these powerful positions. The rights and privileges of individuals may be maintained through the observation of some of the laws that do not necessarily protect the rich. In doing this, everyone might end up benefitting from the justice system (Howell & Yedid,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Flying on a Full Service Airline as Opposed Low Fair Discount Carrier Term Paper

Flying on a Full Service Airline as Opposed Low Fair Discount Carrier - Term Paper Example The airline is home to more than 35000 employees who are the backbone of the airline company. The employees are provided with friendly working environment to help them deliver the best services to the customers. Southwest Airlines has further strengthened itself by acquiring the Air Tran Airways in 2011. The mission of the company has been to deliver the best quality services to its customers at low price which has enabled the airline to grab a large market share. Executive Summary of Marketing Plan The marketing strategy is an important aspect for the company to launch a new product. The marketing strategy involves factors like target market which hold the key to success for the new airline in the competitive airline industry. It gives the airline company the leverage to target the desired market. Competitor description and the analysis of direct and indirect competitors is also an important part of a marketing plan. The strategy followed by the competitors and its weakness can prov ide the airline company advantage. ... Pricing strategy can make customers opt for the company’s product or reject it for being expensive. The right method to implement a pricing strategy is to make the product valuable in terms of its price. The implementation plan finally needs to take place considering all the marketing strategy factors. A proper analysis of these factors can provide better knowledge to the Southwest Airline Company regarding the launch of its new full service airline. Description of Target Market A group of people who are looked upon by the company as the customers which can fit in the marketing strategy adopted by the company can be termed as the target market. Target market is the most essential component to a company’s marketing plan. Southwest Airlines marketing plan largely depends on the 4 P’s of marketing mix and the target market to decide the success of its new product. Target market can be segmented into the following four parts: Geographic Segmentation Southwest Airline can segment its desired target market based on the nation, state, region, country, etc. to which a customer belongs. The airline company then can decide whether it wants to function in selected geographic regions or across every geographic area. The airline has to accordingly develop its product or service (Kotler & Armstrong, 2008, p.173). Demographic Segmentation Demographic segmentation is another variable which divides the target market based on the factors like age, religion, gender, family, etc. This segmentation can prove to be a boon for the airline company as it is easily measurable and can be used to select the target market for its new product or service. Psychographic Segmentation This segmentation can help the airline company to divide the customers on the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Productivity Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Productivity Management - Essay Example He illustrates the benefits of utilizing the system in a managerial perspective. Such advantages include diminished stress, decreased rates of procrastination, work balance, increased motivation, vitality, and overall achievements. In addition, the team will be more focused in achievement of goals. There is a rise in time improvement and people management, creativity and freedom. A leader cannot be successful without the cohorts of the scheme described above. It all assists the leader to work and lead others strategically, working towards achievement of clear goals (Allen, 2008). The parallels presented by the author are very valid and relate well with the five functions of management. Without proper incorporation of the five functions of management in any firm, the model described above cannot work to great success. The five functions of management are planning, organizing, directing, staffing, coordination and to some extent budgeting. Proper utilization of each management function will bring order, saving time and hence increasing productivity as the extent of confusion is decreased largely. Planning acts as a cover-up of all the other functions of management. The concepts presented aid one to have a planned life, a life that will demonstrate order as one moves in a certain direction to achieve leadership objectives. In essence, the parallels presented work hand in hand with the five functions of management to influence to a leader’s life

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Can Video Games be Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Can Video Games be Art - Essay Example Different critics have argued that generally, games cannot be considered as forms of art. These include film critics such as Roger Ebert and art critics such as Jonathan Jones. The argument of these critics against qualification of video games as art mainly draws from a philosophical point of view (â€Å"The Guardian† WEB). However, the recent criticism of Robert Ebert about video games was countered by the US government, which emphasized that video games are a form of art (Tassi WEB). Regardless of all the controversies surrounding video games and their authenticity as an art form, there are those individuals, who like to identify with video games, and are greatly involved in playing them. Such individuals support video games, and most think of it as a form of art, despite what the critics might say about video games. An example of such individuals is Blissel Tom, a popular author of the book Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter. He is a man that is obsessed with video games, and confesses publicly, how he can spend many hours playing video games. Blissel is convinced that video games is a form of art, and in his book, he refers to video games as an art form. According to him, video games are an important art form. Recently, I met one of my childhood friends, who lives in a different state. I learnt that he has taken up video games seriously, and he loves playing them whenever he is free. I talked with him lengthily about video games, and realized that he is well informed about video games. When we separated back while still young children, my friend had not been exposed to video games, and had never played them. However, several years down the line, he presents himself as an ardent fan of video games, and comes out as being obsessed with video games and being knowledgeable about them. He too considers video games as an art form, since like other art forms; it requires skills and talent to play them. Besides the Federal Government, which has categorized video games under the other traditional art forms, the Smithsonian American Art Museum also considers video games as an art form. Previously, this museum undertook seven consecutive months hosting an exhibition, which they called ‘The Art of Video Games.’ In this exhibition, the museum aimed at celebrating video games as an art form, which has existed in homes for an approximate 40 years (â€Å"Smithsonian American Art Museum† WEB). According to Jewell, video games today have revolutionized, and cannot compare to those of the past decades. She notes that these are an amalgamation of all the different types of the traditional art forms (WEB). These views coincide with Blissel’s views, as all these consider video games as art. According to Blissel (350), video games are an important part of a person’s social life. In his book Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter, Blissel sharply argues against the critics of video games, including those who do not cons ider video games as an art form. In the cultural aspect, Blissel considers video games as important as other art forms in the society, and equal to them in capacity. In his book, Blissel compared video games to traditional art forms such as movies, and novels. In Blissel’s comparison of video games with other traditional art forms, he finds out that video games have both a positive and

Monday, September 23, 2019

The retail mix analysis for Zara in uk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The retail mix analysis for Zara in uk - Essay Example Competitive Advantage in Zara Zara in the United Kingdom is a successful Fashion that has been in existence for over five years and has kept a high profile as a supply chain. The administration of Zara has been reporting the contributing factors to the retailer’s achievements as the use of modern information exchange. The first element of competitive advantage of Zara is majorly proper monitoring and study of the dynamic consumer needs. Zara through the Marketing Department conducts systematic research on the specific needs of the fast fashion consumers in order to provide relevant services and design items (Tadros, 2010). This has led to sustainable business due to unique designs and fashions for customer orders. The second aspect of competitive advantage is Financial Leveraging. Zara through partnership with other fast fashion retail chain stores in the UK manages to access adequate funding for its production and operational costs. This enables Zara to triumph against its cl ose competitors such as Top-Shop and Mango. Partnership enables Zara to spread its financial obligation and deficits that may arise to the partners and eases the financial burden of entire organization (Laermer & Simmons, 2007). Thirdly, Zara has a systematic and strategic implementation of the fast fashion model, which allows flexibility of decision making by allowing members staff to get involved in decision making indirectly through contribution of ideas. As this takes place, and indeed, it really happens, it applies creativity, technicality and excellence in production among other departments through the sharing of information. Fourth, Zara exercises teamwork (Pahl & Mohring, 2009). As they work in a big team, the members of staff nurture the potential to make valid decisions and at the right speed. It also becomes easier to implement the emerging needs for changes in the manufacturing sector in a profound fast fashion system. The team building takes the decision makers through the ordinary models to construct aspects of flexibility in the lines of production. Finally, there is a perpetual accessibility of information, which makes Zara to predict the future market needs based on the changes in fashions and styles in the rapidly transforming markets and the changing trends of economic development. 2. SWOT Analysis of Zara 2.1. Strength Zara has a number of strengths that enables it to have an upper hand against its competitors. First, Zara is able to access large quantities of stock based on its leveraging and access to finances. It is a boosting factor for its production targets, by which it stands to gain through the economy scale. Majority of its competitors do not have stable cash flow, hence they do not hold as much stock as Zara (Kardes et al., 2011). An Example of such competitors is Mango. The second strength for Zara is the establishment of market and research through which it produces relevant and fast moving products and services. Zara keeps a go od track of the market products and identifies the relevant needs and specifications of customers. Zara does a proper market study through its marketing promotions and gathers the consumer opinions to enable the production sector to adopt the emerging customer requirement. Fast fashion business has thus favored Zara since it began its implementation of flexibility in production brands. 2.2. Weakness Zara, like other fast fashion chain stores in the UK has its weaknesses, which poses a risk of losses and a

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Accrual And Cash Accounting Essay Example for Free

Accrual And Cash Accounting Essay These are two methods of keeping track of income and expenses in a business, (accrual and cash accounting). Accrual and cash accounting difference is in when a sale and purchase are credited and debited to the account. The cash method is when cash is received, and the expense is when it is paid. An example is when I am contracted to paint a room, which will be completed within a couple of hours, the client pays me. After completing the job my client pays me with cash or check. Therefore, it is considered cash accounting and recorded as so. Cash accounting tracks the cash flow but does not track revenue. With accrual accounting, all transactions are recorded if cash is received or not. Most companies use accrual accounting on a weekly basis to monitor cash flow to ensure they have enough cash on hand for the business to operate. Accrual accounting transactions are, the day they of service. For an example, with my business there are some jobs that I and will be completed, but not paid until later. When its a company, their contracts are paid on a monthly basis. For a company these are considered the companies account payable, that arpaid monthly. As for me these are accrual accounts, but arerecorded. The cash and accrual methods can produce the same, Cash and accrual accounts can have no difference if all transactions are paid in cash when completed no matter what methods are . Accrual accounting shows the income and debts in partial of a business and cash accounting only shows the cash flow. Each method used together will give a more accurate picture of the company business. References:, Cash vs. Accrual Accounting/Bookkeeping Articles, Deciding between Cash-Basis and Accrual Accounting-For Dummies

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Theoretical Framework Essay Example for Free

Theoretical Framework Essay This chapter includes a review of related literatures and studies conducted by both local and foreign researchers, that the writer considers relevant to the study. Definitions of Leadership Bass (1981) accepted the view of leadership as an interaction between members of a group. Leaders are agents of change, persons whose acts affect other people more than other people’s acts affect them. Kanter (1983) defined leadership as the existence of people with power to mobilize others and to set constraints. Misumi (1985) wrote: Leadership is understood as the role behaviour of a specific group member, who, more than other members, exerts some kind of outstanding, lasting, and positive influence on fulfilling the group’s functions of problem solving or goal achievement and group maintenance. Weiss (1986) pinpointed the concept of leadership as the top level executive and his dominant coalition of the organization which is invested with the power, status, and resources to manipulate, interpret, and negotiate constraints and resources into policy. Kellerman (1984) defined leadership as the process by which one individual consistently exerts more impact than others on the nature and direction of group activity. Gardner (1986) waffled at the end of his definition by attaching the last phrase: leadership is the process of persuasion and example by which an individual induces a group to take action that is in accord with the leader’s purposes. Sergiovanni (1989), an influential leadership scholar in education, defined leadership as the process of persuasion by which a leader induce followers to act in a manner that enhances the leaders purposes or shared purposes. Two more recent books on leadership have been based on military leaders, and they promote the same understanding of leadership. Roberts (1989) considered leadership as the thing that wins the battles. Bailey (1988) an anthropologist, defined leadership as the act of controlling followers. Finally, Schatz (1986) summed up much of what this view of leadership represents: â€Å"Leadership is the total effect you have on people and events around you.† Leadership for Rost (1991) is an influence relationship among leaders and  followers who intend real changes that reflect their mutual purposes. A leader does the right things (Bennis and Goldsmith, 1997). Doing the right things implies a goal, a direction, an objective, a vision, a dream, a path, a reach. Leading is about effectiveness. It is about what and why. It is about trust – about people. Bennis and Goldsmith (1997), defined leadership as innovating and initiating. It looks at the horizon, not just the bottom line. Leaders base their vision, their appeal to others, and their integrity on reality, on the facts, on a careful estimate of the forces at play, and on the trends and contradictions. For Drucker (1996), leaders move people from selfish concerns to serving the common good. Leaders can refocus people’s energy with direct interventions or do so indirectly by adjusting the system so that people naturally gravitate toward what needs to be done. It will be hypothesized that the Indang II District elementary school principals’ leadership styles (Block 2) will affect school effectiveness (Block 3) at Indang II District, Division of Cavite. The mediating variables will be the elementary school principals’ leadership styles consisting of seven dimensions, namely: a) idealized influence; b) inspirational motivation; c) intellectual stimulation; d) individualized consideration; e) contingent reward; f) management by exception; and g) Laissez-faire. The aforementioned dimensions will be discussed in the conceptual framework. The five indicators of school effectiveness will be the output variables. Each variable will be explained thoroughly as part of the related literature of this study on school effectiveness. The line connecting the mediating and the output variables show their relationship. This will imply that the Indang II school principals’ leadership styles affect the effectiveness of the Indang II schoo ls at Indang II District, Division of Cavite. HYPOTHESIS On the basis of the questions that will be proposed in this study, this hypothesis will be tested. There is no significant relationship between the principals’ leadership styles and school effectiveness in the elementary schools in Indang II District, Division of Cavite.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Catholic Church: The Death Penalty

The Catholic Church: The Death Penalty Capital punishment remains a controversial public issue whose moral complexity has been recently affirmed further by a variety of television shows, movies, talk shows and writings. In the midst of this debate are the victims of assault who, understandably enough, would usually rather see their aggressors dead than alive. One of the most prominent victims in this context is the late Pope John Paul II who, after an assassination attempt, never fully recovered from the gun wounds that nearly killed him. Nevertheless, Pope John Paul II made of the attack an example of forgiveness. Pope John Paul II did not stop here but called also for the abolition of the death penalty on this particular occasion. In other words, Pope John Paul II sought to affirm that the answer to violence is not more violence. On the contrary, the proper response would be in the affirmation of Jesus Christs message of hope, forgiveness and reconciliation. It might seem reasonable to conclude in this perspective that since the late Pope was so vehemently against the death penalty, the whole Catholic Church is and has always been opposed to this form of punishment. A closer analysis reveals however that the contrary is true. In the Catholic Church, teachings on the death penalty have changed and developed over time. For example, for many centuries, the Catholic Church accepted the notion that the state reserved the right to take a life in order to protect society. However, over time, and in the light of new facts and realities, the Catholic Church began to recognize that there are other non-violent means through which the state can effectively protect society. (Congressional Records 16751) Today, the Churchs teachings clearly argue against the practice of capital punishment. In short, a historical observation of the status of the death penalty among Catholics and an analysis of the Catechism of the Catholic Church reveal a continuous change and evolvement of perception regarding the practice over the centuries. The Catechism of the Catholic Church clearly defines the conditions under which a life can be taken and highlights thereby the reasons that support the Churchs convictions. For example, the Catechism specifically states that: If bloodless means are sufficient to defend human lives against an aggressor and to protect public order and the safety of persons, public authority should limit itself to such means, because they better correspond to the concrete conditions of the common good and are more in conformity to the dignity of the human person (Congressional Records 16751). This passionate defense of the sanctity of life, even a criminals, is mainly related to the Catholic belief that all humans are created in the image of God and therefore possess a certain amount of value, dignity and worth which ought to be protected and uphold at any time. In other words, the Catholic Church today regards every individual as a sacred being and strongly affirms that every human life is precious, including the life of those individuals who violated the rights of others. The Church currently defends this position by pointing out that human dignity is not qualified by the individuals actions as it is inherent and can therefore neither be earned nor forfeited. In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the conditions under which a life can be taken, even for the purpose of protecting others, have been significantly narrowed over time. Today the Church passionately argues against the death penalty and justifies the stance through a reference to a variety of Biblical scriptures and religious and moral/ethical concepts. However it is interesting to note that Church approached the dilemma from a different perspective for many centuries. According to the excerpts 2266 from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the efforts of the state to curb the spread of harmful social behavior ought to be recognized and supported for the common good. In this context, the Church supported the right of the state to inflict any suitably deemed punishment including the death penalty, as long as it was proportionate to the gravity of the offense. Excerpt 2267, issued by the Vatican on September 9, 1997, suggests at first glance a continuity in the Churchs point of view. The excerpt namely asserts that non-lethal means are preferable to lethal ones but that recourse to the death penalty was nevertheless not opposed by the Church if it was in the defense and protection of a human life. It is thus interesting to note how the Church moved to gradually curb the practice of the death penalty in a subtle but nevertheless very effective manner. For example, excerpt 2267 is in fact, despite its affirmation of the Churchs acceptance of capital punishment, very strict about the act as the death penalty is only deemed acceptable if it manages to protect a human life from an aggressor. Since contemporary states and criminal justice systems already possess a variety of means through which a criminal can be prevented from harming others, cases where it is absolutely necessary to suppress the guilty are today very rare, if not practically non-existent (Death Penalty Information Center). It is thus relevant to conclude in the light of the aforementioned that the Catholic Church has gradually evolved to limit the conditions under which a life can be taken, even a criminals. The Catholic Church takes today a pro-life, abolitionist view of the death penalty for a variety of reasons that have especially grown in significance over the last few decades. First of all, the Church affirms that there is no conclusive evidence which supports the belief that the death penalty reduces the homicide rate. Thereby, one of the most inhuman, petty and immoral reasons for retaining the death penalty is related to the idea of retribution, or vengeance, which quite obviously conflicts with Jesus message of forgiveness and peace. In the last decade, the Holy Father has affirmed frequently that this purpose undermines the states attempts at reform and the protection of its citizens and the common good. Punishment should not be about vengeance but about the defending of public order and the ensuring of public safety while simultaneously reaching out to the offender to correct his or her behavior. Since there are other methods through which the public good can be defended and as the execution of the offender prevents from any chance of rehabilitation, the death penalty consequentially fails in meeting the standards of the Catholic Churchs definition of the acceptable and effective punishment (Congressional Records 16751). This carefully constructed and well-reasoned opposition of the death penalty has become, as stated, especially outspoken over the last few decades. In the United States, and especially beginning with the 1980s, Catholic bishops began recognizing that Christian tradition has for a long time acknowledged the governments right to protect its citizens by applying the death penalty in certain cases. However, and as society and the penal system evolved, capital punishment became less justifiable according to the Bishops in a 1980 statement entitled Capital Punishment. The main reasons for opposing the death penalty, according to the statement, are related to the ideas of retribution and deterrence. With regard to deterrence, it was stated that while capital punishment does prevent certain individuals from repeating their crime, others are not necessarily prevented from engaging in similar atrocities. As for retribution, the bishops underlined the previously discussed about the irrelevance of capital punishment as a form of effective punishment if it is a means through which to seek vengeance rather than social security, stability, justice, dignity and rehabilitation (Overberg). All of these reasons are what currently define the Catholic Churchs stance regarding capital punishment; reasons that have only grown in relevance over the last few decades. Indeed, the acceptance of capital punishment has varied over the centuries in the Roman Catholic Church. Until at least the middle of the twentieth century, it was generally agreed that the state had the right, and sometimes the duty, to impose the death penalty for certain inacceptable offenses. These ideas were justified through a reference to Scripture. It is interesting to note how this teaching was the common doctrine of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, including for instance the two great Doctors of the West, Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. Pope Innocent III accepted in the thirteenth century the concept of the death penalty as a proper form of punishment for heretics. Even after the Second World War, Pope Pius XII showed clear support of capital punishment; a position that was affirmed by the Catechism of the Council of Trent. It is also interesting to note that while currently, and as has been illustrated, the death penalty is judged to be weak in meeting the basic princi ples of proper punishment; it was for a long time judged to be suitable for the following four reasons: retribution, defense of society against the criminal, deterrence and rehabilitation. Ironically enough, all of these reasons are presently also cited to underline the immorality of the death penalty. The reliance on these four reasons by Catholics in the past versus now illustrates the evolvement and change in the content of the ideas which contributed to the overall alteration of the Churchs point of view regarding the death penalty. For instance, while retribution is today regarded as a petty reason that should be excluded out of any effective punishment, the Church used to affirm that when justice has been grossly violated, it was acceptable to believe that the restoration of order would require depriving an individual of life itself. This position was defended by Scriptures such as Romans 13:1-4 and Genesis 9:5-6. Thereby, while the Church regards capital punishment today as a failure in providing the offender with a chance of rehabilitation, it used to affirm just a few decades ago that while execution does not reintegrate offenders into society, it prevents hardened criminals from spiritually harming themselves further by sin.(Owens, Elshtain 23-25) It becomes thus clear through these brief comparisons between past and current understandings of concepts and reasons related to capital punishment, that the issue has been indeed gradually, but nevertheless definitely, changing over time in the Roman Catholic Church. It has become clear that the Catholic Church has been gradually adapting its perceptions of the issue of capital punishment over the centuries. The changes usually came in response to certain social conditions. For instance and as has been noted, Pope Innocent III deemed this form of punishment suitable for heretics which is understandable considering the context of the thirteenth century. Since World War II, opposition to capital punishment among Catholics grew steadily due to the fear that the criminal justice system was abused in the death camps of Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia. (Owens, Elshtain 24) It is nevertheless observable that the Church has only cautiously moved towards confining the practice of capital punishment. In 1992, in the first edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and specifically in article 2266, the classical position of the Church was reaffirmed. It is however interesting to note that the following excerpt, 2267, laid the first subtle but nevert heless effectively restrictive measures that define the Churchs position today. The rise of Pope John Paul II and his continuous and passionate criticism of the death penalty have undoubtedly strengthened the Churchs position even further. Today, the Catholic Church seeks to send the message that the cycle of violence can only be broken through the application of Jesus Christs message of hope, forgiveness and love. Taking a life in response to a criminal act is criticized as ineffective in solving the current social and crime problems rooted in a complex reality that includes social conditions as poverty and injustice. Thereby, the Catholic Church seeks to abolish the death penalty today to uphold the dignity and worth of a human being as man is created in the image of God and it is only HE who is the Lord of life. Humans are therefore by no means entitled to destroy life, which should be taken care of and treated as sacred and worthy no matter what. In the context of these beliefs is indeed no place for the acceptance of capital punishment.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

With Regret and Hope :: Love Letters Dating Email Relationships

Dear Anthony, It has taken me awhile to write this letter. Please read it with care and understand that much thought went into it. I miss the way we used to be. I wish with all my heart that there was some way we could go back to the days where your eyes beheld me as the most beautiful woman you had ever seen, when your heart felt more alive in my presence, when the thought of me kept you warm on a cold night. I still feel that way about you. I know that I am the one to blame for letting us die and for letting you down. I know that I messed up, the things that I did were wrong, and I wish that there were something that I could do to go back in time and undo them. I know what it's like to be hurt the way that I hurt you. It hurt me to see the pain that I caused you and not be able to do anything to make it better. Now here we are, together again, but it doesn't feel the same. I know you still care for me, and love me, but I wonder if you are ever going to forgive me. How do we get past the hurt? What can I do for you to forgive me, to let me into your heart again, to earn back your trust and once again feel the fullness of your love? I look back on all that I took for granted, and I wish that I had appreciated everything you offered me, and I know that if I had that back, I would work to keep it for forever. I wouldn't push it away like I did then. I would bask in every moment of your love. I want a chance to love you the right way, but I need you to let me in. The distance between us pulls at my heart. It is there even when I am in your arms. Yes, I have suffered for my sins, the greatest suffering I have ever known: feeling as if I have lost you and your love. I am asking that you forgive me. I remember a time when we kissed and touched each other for the sheer pleasure of it. How we loved to be next to each other and had to be next to each other. We couldn't wait until we could be together again.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Mega Rex :: English Literature Essays

Mega Rex A man crawled down a sewer main ladder. He swam in the sewer water until he came to what seemed to be a warehouse. He got behind a large box and called to someone. "Colonel, its Snake. I'm inside the warehouse," said the man. "Great. There's an elevator in the back. Wait for it to come down and go to the ground level. Make sure none sees you. If you have a question contact me by codec. To do this, push the button on your wrist and select the frequency you want. My frequency is 140.85," said the Colonel. Snake waited patiently for the elevator to come down. When it finally came down slowly crawled out from behind the box and quickly went up the elevator unnoticed. Snake called the Colonel on codec. "Snake, what took so long?" said the Colonel. "That suit is hard to move in," said Snake. "Its purpose is to prevent hypothermia not to be comfortable. This is Alaska, you know," said a woman. "I know, Naomi," said Snake. "Snake, this operation is being run by Fox Hound and Russian terrorists. There are currently 6 members of Fox Hound. They are the best soldiers in the world," said Naomi. "I know, I was in Fox Hound," said Snake. "Oh, yeah," said Naomi. "Call Naomi if you have any questions about Fox Hound, Snake," said Colonel. "I would like to introduce you to Mei Ling, she designed you codec and radar," said the Colonel. "It is an honor to meet a legendary military hero like you," said Mei Ling. "Thanks," said Snake. "Your radar gets jammed easily, I'm afraid, because of the signals the terrorists use. You need to find the DARPA Chief (Defense Advanced Research Projects), Kenneth Baker. He will be a green dot on your radar. When you use your codec talk into your wrist.. No one but you can hear your codec because it directly vibrates the bones of your ear," said Mei Ling. "Snake, find the DARPA Chief. Hurry, you only have 18 hours left. By the way, we made a diversion. We sent an F-18 so it would go into the terrorist's radar and then back to Washington Airforce Base. That is your chance to sneak in unnoticed, said Colonel. There should be a vent on the first and second floor. Go in the second floor vent. "There's a Russian H-4 leaving now," said Snake. Mega Rex :: English Literature Essays Mega Rex A man crawled down a sewer main ladder. He swam in the sewer water until he came to what seemed to be a warehouse. He got behind a large box and called to someone. "Colonel, its Snake. I'm inside the warehouse," said the man. "Great. There's an elevator in the back. Wait for it to come down and go to the ground level. Make sure none sees you. If you have a question contact me by codec. To do this, push the button on your wrist and select the frequency you want. My frequency is 140.85," said the Colonel. Snake waited patiently for the elevator to come down. When it finally came down slowly crawled out from behind the box and quickly went up the elevator unnoticed. Snake called the Colonel on codec. "Snake, what took so long?" said the Colonel. "That suit is hard to move in," said Snake. "Its purpose is to prevent hypothermia not to be comfortable. This is Alaska, you know," said a woman. "I know, Naomi," said Snake. "Snake, this operation is being run by Fox Hound and Russian terrorists. There are currently 6 members of Fox Hound. They are the best soldiers in the world," said Naomi. "I know, I was in Fox Hound," said Snake. "Oh, yeah," said Naomi. "Call Naomi if you have any questions about Fox Hound, Snake," said Colonel. "I would like to introduce you to Mei Ling, she designed you codec and radar," said the Colonel. "It is an honor to meet a legendary military hero like you," said Mei Ling. "Thanks," said Snake. "Your radar gets jammed easily, I'm afraid, because of the signals the terrorists use. You need to find the DARPA Chief (Defense Advanced Research Projects), Kenneth Baker. He will be a green dot on your radar. When you use your codec talk into your wrist.. No one but you can hear your codec because it directly vibrates the bones of your ear," said Mei Ling. "Snake, find the DARPA Chief. Hurry, you only have 18 hours left. By the way, we made a diversion. We sent an F-18 so it would go into the terrorist's radar and then back to Washington Airforce Base. That is your chance to sneak in unnoticed, said Colonel. There should be a vent on the first and second floor. Go in the second floor vent. "There's a Russian H-4 leaving now," said Snake.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Presidents of the Philippines

Inocencio, Salve Regina S. W;F 11:00-12:30 BSCA 2-2March 6, 2013 Presidents of the Philippine Republic President| Birthday| Native Land| Term of Office| AKA/ Alias| Distinction| Greatest Achievement/ Legacy| Downfall| Cause of Death| Remarks| 1. Emilio Aguinaldo| March 22, 1869| Kawit, Cavite| January 20,  1899–April 1,1901| Heneral Miong| * He was the youngest (at age 28) to have become the country's preside * The longest-lived former president (having survived to age 94)| * Gained the freedom of the Philippines from the Spaniards. The Philippines’ first President| * The invasion of the Americans| (February 6, 1964 )Coronary thrombosis| * He is still a good president of the Philippines even though there are lots of controversies about him. He did his best to protect his people from the invaders. | 2. Manuel L. Quezon| August 19, 1878| Baler, Aurora| November 15, 1935-August 1, 1944| Nonong| * He is the president of the  Commonwealth of the Philippines| * Father of the  National Language * He appears on the Philippine twenty peso bill| | (August 1, 1944)Tuberculosis | * He did a great job to improve the economy. 3. Jose P. Laurel| March 9, 1891| Tanauan, Batangas| December 4, 1942  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ October 14, 1943| JPL| * The puppet president of the Philippines. He was controlled by the Japanese in heading the country| * He was selected, by the National Assembly, under vigorous Japanese influence, to serve as President. | * He violated his Oath of Office and headed an illegal government of the Philippines. | (November 6, 1959)Unspecified| * I cannot say that Laurel is a good leader in the country because there are many wrong doings that he did. He was also been accused as a traitor. 4. Sergio Osmena| September 9, 1878| Cebu City, Cebu| August 1, 1944-May 28, 1946| SO| * The first  Visayan   to become President of the Philippines. | * Founder of  Nacionalista Party * Together with Manuel Roxas, Pres. Sergio Osmena went on a mission to the US to ask for the Philippines' independence. The mission was called OSROX. The Philippines was granted its independence. | | (19 October 1961)Unspecified| * Despite of the war, Osmena was still brave to fight for the Philippines. He didn’t leave his countrymen in the fight. He also did rehabilitations in order to reserve the Philippines from war. | 5. Manuel Roxas| January 1, 1892| Capiz, Capiz| May 28, 1946-April 15, 1948| Manoling| * The first president of the independent  Third Republic of the Philippines| * Ratification of the Bell Trade Act * The Inclusion of the Parity amendment in the constitution * The signing of the 1947 Military Bases Agreement * The enactment of Hare – Hawes cutting Law in 1932 Tydings Mcduffie Act which led to the granting of the Philippine independence on July 04, 1946| | (April 15, 1948)Heart attack| * His term only last 1 year 10 months and 18 days.But even though he only served short, he managed to contribute in rescuing the country fro m its dire economic straits. He has he trait of agood leader. | 6. Elpidio R.Quirino| November 16, 1890| Vigan, Ilocos Sur| April 17, 1948-December 30, 1953| Pidiong| | * Hydroelectric project in Lanao * The establishment of PACSA * He signed the Magna Carta of Labor and Minimum Wage Law * Amnesty for the Huks| The Quirino administration was generally challenged by the  Hukbalahaps, who ransacked towns and barrios| (February 29, 1956)Hart Failure| * He was marked notable with reconstruction and economic gain But, his administration tainted by widespread corruption. | 7.Ramon Magsaysay| August 31, 1907| Iba, Zambales| December 30, 1953-March 17, 1957| Monching| * He was the first Philippine President born during the 20th century. | * His administration was considered one of the cleanest and most corruption-free; his presidency was cited as the Philippines' Golden Years * He led the foundation of the  Southeast Asia Treaty Organization  also known as the Manila Pact of 1954 * He is the first Philippine president to wear a barong tagalog in his inauguration| | (March 17, 1957)Plane crash| * He brought back the trust of the Filipinos to the government and militaries by proving integrity I his term.He is a good man to all. | 8. Carlos P. Garcia| November 4, 1896| Talibon, Bohol| March 18, 1957-December 30, 1961| CPG| | * He  exercised the  Filipino First Policy * He acted on the Bohlen–Serrano Agreement * Initiated the â€Å"The Austerity Program†| | (June 14, 1971)Heart attack | * He believes that the government should no longer would tolerate the dominance of foreign interests in the national economy. Because of this the country learned to stand on its own. | 9.Diosdado Macapagal| September 28, 1910| Lubao, Pampanga| December 30, 1961-December 30, 1965| Dado| | * He introduced the country's first  land reform  law * He   placed the peso on the free currency exchange market * He shifted the country's observance of Independence Day fro m July 4 to June 12. | | (April 21, 1997)Heart failure,  pneumonia  and  renal  complications| * He focused on suppressing graft and corruption in the country. He also pursue the agricultural land reform code of 1963. And this favored the farmers.This does mean he is for the masses. | 10. Ferdinand E. Marcos| September 11, 1917|   Sarrat,  Ilocos Norte| December 30, 1965-February 25, 1986| Macoy| * The dictator who proclaimed martial law | * He proclaimed martial law and reigned 20 years as the President of the Philippines * Laws written by Marcos are still in force and in effect. | Corruption, political mismanagement, assassination of Benigno â€Å"Ninoy† Aquino Jr. | (September 28, 1989)Kidney failure| * Marcos’ term is worst.His administration was marred by massive corruption, political repression, and human rights violations. He is a selfish and greedy leader. | 11. Maria Corazon C. Aquino| January 25, 1933| Paniqui, Tarlac| February 25, 1986- June 30, 1992| Cory| * She uses a yellow ribbon as a symbol of democracy. | * The first female president of the Philippines and in Asia * She was named Woman of the Year by the Time Magazine in 1986 * Mother of Philippine Democracy| * Coup attempts , natural disaster like the erruption of the Mt.Pinatubo, the earthquake in Luzon, the typhoon Uring and it is also n her term where MV Dona Paz sank| (August 1, 2009)Colon Cancer| * Despite the fact that she doesn’t have any learning about politics, she still runs for the democracy. She is a fearless and selfless woman. | 12. Fidel V. Ramos| March 18, 1928| Lingayen, Pangasinan| June 30, 1992-June 30, 1998| Eddie| | * He declared his support for reinstating the death penalty * It is in his term the Philippines experienced rapid economic growth and expansion * He signed into law  Republic Act 7636-  Anti-Subversion Law. * 1997 Asian Financial Crisis| (March 18, 1928- Present)| *   As a result of his hands-on approach to the economy, t he Philippines were dubbed by various internationally as  Asia's Next Economic Tiger. He is a hard- working man and appropriate to be a leader. | 13. Joseph E. Estrada| April 19, 1937| Tondo, Manila| June 30, 1998  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ January 20, 2001| Erap| * He is an actor before becoming the President of the Philippines| * He declared an â€Å"all-out-war† against the  Moro Islamic Liberation Front| * Jueteng case * Jose Pidal issue| (April 19, 1937- Present)| * Estrada is a brave man.A fighter against those people who are enemy of the country. But, he is not also that idealistic leader. Still there are controversies about corruption and gambling. | 14. Gloria M. Arroyo|   April 5, 1947|   Lubao, Pampanga| January 20, 2001  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ June 30, 2010| Ate Glo| | * She focuses on infrastructures like the Clark,rehabilitation of NLEX and SLEX, MRT/ LRT extension and the PNR * Tourist industry boost in her term| * Electoral sabotage * Corruption| (April 5, 1947- Present)| * She is not the model of a person with integrity.Her family especially her husband took money from the government’s income. Yes she have many deeds to improve infrastructures but she is no good as a president. | 15. Benigno Aquino III| February 8, 1960| Manila| June 30, 2010- present| Noynoy| * Came from the family who contributed to gain the democracy of the people from Marcos. | * He signed  Executive Order No. 9, eorganizing the Presidential Commission on the  Visiting Forces Agreement * He  signed  Proclamation No. 3, declaring November 23, 2010, as a national day of remembrance for the victims in the  Maguindanao massacre. * Implemented Executive Order # 7 which suspends the privileges of executives of 122 Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs). | | (February 8, 1960- Present)| * Aquino is walking in the shoes of his parents. He is cleaning the government from corruption and improving the economy. But, despite of this many are still not satisfied with his performance|

Monday, September 16, 2019

Argumentative Essay on Cigarette Smoking

â€Å"Cigarette smoking in the Philippines should be banned because it poses a great threat to the health of the family members† Argumentative essay I. Introduction A. It has been an increasing concern about the effects of smoking in the family. B. Cigarette smoking not only affects the smoker but also the others around the smoker. II. Body (Discuss the issue) A. Smoking is mostly caused by sociocultural factors. * They smoke to gain adult status. * They smoke to conform to their social group. B. Smoking causes cancer and other respiratory diseases. C. When there is a smoker in the family; it is most likely that the members of the family will be influenced by smoking. III. Cigarette smoking should be banned to decrease the health threats. Cigarette smoking is the inhalation of gases and hydrocarbon vapors generated by slowly burning tobacco in cigarettes. The harmful substances found in cigarettes and cigars are the carbon monoxide, nicotine, and tar. Carbon monoxide is the gas that impairs the capacity of the blood to supply adequate amounts of oxygen to the vital organs of the body and is responsible for the shortness of breath among smokers. Nicotine is the substance that creates dependence on tobacco and is responsible in raising blood pressure and heart rate. The tar is the brownish viscous substance found in smoke known to be a cancer-causing agent. Cigarette smoking is a major cause of preventable diseases and premature death. Smoking has been associated with lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. Taking in a lot of these chemicals harms your body in severe ways. You will have incurable diseases and suffer from it. Most of the smokers know that already, they just can’t quit yet because of its addicting content. But, they do need to be aware that cigarette smoking causes harm not only to the smoker but also to the people around him. It has been an increasing concern about the effects of the smoking habits of a family member to other members of the family. Secondhand smoke also known as passive smoke, â€Å"is a mixture of 2 forms of smoke that comes from burning tobacco: Sidestream smoke (smoke that comes from the lighted end of a cigarette and mainstream smoke (smoke exhaled by a smoker)† (â€Å"Secondhand smoke,† 2011). It is passive smoking when non-smokers are exposed to secondhand smoke (â€Å"Secondhand smoke,† 2011).. When they inhale secondhand smoke, they take in nicotine and other chemicals just like the smokers do (â€Å"Secondhand smoke,† 2011). According to the quittersguide, â€Å"secondhand smoke immediately affects the heart and blood circulation, and over time it causes heart disease and lung cancer† (quittersguide, 2008). Smoking is mostly caused by the sociocultural factor. They smoke because they need to fit in with their social group who smoke (Cortes, 2011). It is because some think when you are smoking cigarettes, you would look cool. For teens, they smoke because they want to attain adult status (Cortes, 1998). Some teens think that if you smoke cigarettes, you would look mature because normally, adults smoke but now even teens do it. Sometimes, they learn how to smoke because of curiosity. A Youth Tobacco Survey by the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) Philippine Chapter has been conducted among grade school and high school students in Metro Manila. Dr. Lopez said that â€Å"the DOH survey found that an estimated 42 per cent students have tried smoking cigarettes, with 15 per cent admitting they smoked their first stick before reaching the age of 10. Twenty-two per cent, practically the same as the ACCP survey s 18. per cent, admitted to being current smokers. † (â€Å"Cigarette smoking among teens is high,† 2006) In addition to that the DOH also found out that exposure to cigarette smoking in the environment is very high with 60 per cent of parents of the respondents smoking at home. Peer influence also came up with 3 out of 4 students reported that their friends s moke in their presence (â€Å"Cigarette smoking among teens is high,† 2006). Ye (2001) stated, â€Å"The tobacco or cigarette is the most substantial and successful economic enterprises † (p. 1). It provides jobs and gains taxes for the government (Ye, 2001). Cigarette production greatly helps the country's economy as well as being an import and export material. However, effects of cigarette smoking turned bad. According to Bihari (2007), It was 1950 when the first major evidence that links cigarette smoking to serious studies by Doll and Hill (1950) and Wynder and Graham (1950). In July 1954, Reader's Digest published a lead article (Miller & Monahan, 1954) that exposes the health hazards of smoking by linking smoking and lung cancer (Bihari, 2007). The results were a drastic decline on cigarette consumption per head (Bihari, 2007). By 1955, cigarette consumption rose again. Although there have been an increasing number of medical studies linking smoking to serious diseases such as cancer and respiratory diseases, the government began to consider measure to control smoking (Bihari, 2007). Smoking is a major factor in heart diseases and â€Å"seems to be the most common factor in an environment which leads to heart attack† (Andrada, 1993). Even though the government was largely swayed by the tobacco lobby, they began to take action because of the pressures from anti-smoking lobby and the growing concerns of concerned people (Bihari, 2007). They have already put a ban on advertising cigarettes on television and other types of Medias (Mizrahy, 1998). Even from constant reminders from the media, the anti-smoking people and even the cigarette package has a warning, many people are still smoking. A member in the family who is a smoker immediately harms other members of the family. Children in particular are much more sensitive to secondhand smoke (â€Å"smoking and your family,† 2008). Risks of asthma, ear infection and lung diseases increases when they are exposed to secondhand smoke (â€Å"Smoking and your family,† 2008). Some of these problems can be serious and even life-threatening. Others may seem like small problems, but they add up quickly: think of the expenses, doctor visits, medicines, lost school time, and often lost work time for the parent who must take the child to the doctor† (Secondhand smoke, 2011) Some people when they smoke at home, they are aware that it is their body that they are d estroying. However, they are not aware that it is not only them that are harmed, but also the other people around them especially their family (quittersguide, 2008). According to Bantle and Haisken-DeNew (2002), â€Å"We find strong evidence, that parental smoking significantly increases the probability that their children likewise become smokers. Youths living in families with both parents smoking are 3. 3 times more likely to smoke themselves, while a smoking father raises the probability by the factor 2. 8 and a smoking mother by the factor 2. 1. † It is also agreed by quittersguide (2008) that the children of smokers are most likely to be smokers but they will probably start in their teens which may make it difficult for them to quit. When parents smoke, it is also most likely that the addiction will be passed from one member to another so that the whole family will be smokers. Tolerant attitudes of parent towards smoking creates higher smoking risks while parents who do not approve of smoking and â€Å"does not make it known are less likely to raise children who smoke†(OMalley, 2010). So, why won't we ban cigarette smoking and its production? It is because of production of this provides jobs and gains taxes for the government (Ye, 2001). Moreover, some officials won’t permit to it because they work for the government and the government gains taxes from those who buy cigarettes. Additionally, if you ban cigarette production, circulation, buying and selling, addicted cigarette smokers will go crazy because cigarette contains nicotine which is addictive and relatively damages the brain so it will be hard to ban. But, even if it provides jobs and gains taxes for the government which is a good thing economically, the result of the product they produce harms and kills people even though the some of the people are not into smoking. So, it would be a good thing to ban cigarettes and find a new source of income like those handmade stuff or they research about a new product to manufacture which will be a hit, at the same time not dangerous. The government has taken 17 years(1987) when the first bill on anti-smoking was introduced in the Philippines for it to be passed into law (Mercado, 2010). It should be clear that cigarette smoking should be banned in the Philippines because of the effects poses a great threat to the people. Fortunately, some voices were heard some provisions were made that smoking will be banned in public places (Tan, 2011). And, what should be done is that smoking should be discouraged to the people. References: Bihari S, B. A. , M. S. W. , M. C. M. , M. S. A. E. (2007). History of government regulation on cigarette industry. Essays on the Effect of Government Intervention on the Conduct and Performance of Cigarette Firms. Retrieved from http://0-proquest. umi. com. lib1000. dlsu. edu. ph/pqdlink? RQT=306;TS=1313073324;clientId=47883 Ye, Y. (2001). Introduction. A Microeconometric Analysis of Cigarette Consumption. Retrieved from http://0-proquest. umi. com. lib1000. dlsu. edu. ph/pqdlink? RQT=306;TS=1313

Sunday, September 15, 2019

How it portrays the human condition Essay

   In the time it’s set of 1801, social classes were arife within the country. It was normality to marry someone within the same class, and was frowned upon to do anything different. The importance of class is evident when Cathy says: ‘if the wicked man had not brought Heathcliff so low, I shouldn’t have thought it [not to marry him]’. This signifies how in this piece of literature Heathcliff is opressed by the rigid class system, and becomes a victim in the way that class is the very thing that prevents Cathy & Heathcliff marrying. The fact Heathcliff is told every day how worthless he is and how lucky he is to be in ‘a decent house’ provokes his hate towards the separation of their society into classes. As of the way Hindley treated him like a servant and degrading him, Heathcliff shows pure hatred towards him. He also exposes this putrid manner towards the Linton’s, whom in time changed Catherine, in a way to believe she was much too good for Heathcliff. We are first made aware of how much class is going to affect Heathcliff’s and Cathy’s love for each other when Catherine is attacked by dogs, in which the blame lies upon Heathcliff. The Linton’s then describe him as: ‘a wicked boy†¦ quite unfit for a decent house. ‘ Although it is hardly frowned upon to marry someone from a different class in today’s society, this novel remains relevant on the human condition by the fact that it portrays how someone will do truly anything in their power to be with the person they love with, which is of course shown by Heathcliff. The fact he has been placed in a lower class differentiates how Cathy shows her love towards him, forcing Heathcliff to try and better himself. This even results in Heathcliff attempting to drive Cathy mad with jealousy, by marrying Isabella. In his pursuit of Cathy’s love, he manages to destroy all around him, affecting his own self. This means that Bronti could even be supporting the upholding of these conventional values. Initially the answer would seem to be no, as the reader sympathizes with Heathcliff; the gypsy oppressed by a rigid class system and constantly referred to as ‘imp’ or ‘fiend’. But as Heathcliff pursues his revenge and persecution of the innocent, the danger posed by him to the community becomes apparent. Like other novels of the 1830s and 40s, Wuthering Heights may really suggest the necessity of preserving traditional ways; to prevent danger to the world that is perhaps even unnecessary, because fighting for this cause still won’t get you what you want. This helps us understand even if we know that ultimately we cannot obtain what we want, we will still fight for it the best we can; part of the human condition. Cathy is so induced by this system of class, she thinks of class as part of the reason to marry someone or a reason to love. Cathy thinks of Edgar as a way of elevating her position in the community, which can be seen when she’s talking to Nelly (and I shall like to be the greatest woman of the neighbourhood). Because Cathy is so interested in society, it comes to a point where it corrupts her love for her own ‘family’. This is apparent to her relationship with Nelly; before Cathy was seduced by this idea of high-society, she regarded Nelly as just as important as her own mother. Though now, Cathy treats Nelly with disrespect, and even attacks her, much to Nelly’s anger: ‘O, Miss, that’s a nasty trick! You have no right to nip me, and I’m not going to bear it’. This is important on the grounds that this represents the human condition in a way that we can all be deeply influenced by something to hurt the ones we love. By a range of devices, Bronti shows how each character is motivated. Throughout the novel we see how human motivation encourages a huge change in Cathy. At the beginning of the novel Bronti portrays her as a content, free, family-orientated girl. For illustration, the novel says Cathy ‘was hardly six years old, but she could ride any horse in the stable’. This shows that Cathy was not yet influenced to be ladylike or prosperous, and was still a kindred spirit. She is still portrayed as this wild young girl, until the point where Heathcliff and she are spying on Thrushcross Grange, and are attacked by dogs. When they are found by the Lintons, Heathcliff is merely sent away deemed as ‘a wicked boy†¦ quite unfit for a decent house’. However, Cathy is invited into the house, and the Lintons show her a whole new way of life, judging by her new concept of class, and anew sense of etiquette. The reader is told that her remaining family have noticed her new self, especially Nelly: ‘there lighted from a handsome black pony a very dignified person’. The fact Nelly compares Cathy’s change to a horse links in with her love of riding horses, as shown earlier in the novel. Now this change has occurred, we now see how Cathy is not only motivated by love and fun as she was with Heathcliff, but by more shallow things perhaps, such as wealth and appearance. She is shown to be motivated by wealth when she discusses Edgar with Nelly (‘and he will be rich’). She in fact talks about Edgar in such a way that she deserves this wealth and life of upper class. You can see how she’s motivated in a shallow fashion when she says to Heathcliff: ‘if you wash your face, and brush your hair, it will be alright. But you are so dirty! ‘ This shows that now, after these new found motivations, Heathcliff has to change how he is to acquire to Cathy’s needs, and in order to be loved by Cathy. On the other hand, Heathcliff is driven by one thing only; his animalistic and pure love for Cathy. Although he is motivated by love, other things quash this motivation, such as cowardice. Heathcliff is jealous of what she sees in Edgar, and tries to tell Cathy he loves her, without success. He is close to declaring his love for her when they’re arguing, and he says: ‘the crosses are for the evenings you have spent with the Lintons, the dots for those spent with me†¦ to show that I do care’. Fuelled by his love for Cathy, and how is world is centred purely on her actions, Heathcliff does some very spiteful things, condemning him as a gothic character. For example, he marries Isabella purely to induce jealousy within Catherine. The novel shows how Heathcliff feels that if Cathy had not become a lady of etiquette with new motivations then they would never have been separated. This can be seen when he says: ‘Because misery, and degradation, and death, and nothing that God or Satan could inflict would have parted us’. With the human condition in question, this is important because it shows how humans can feel hatred not towards a person exactly, but towards the actions and changes that occur in that person. In the novel we are also shown by Bronti how certain circumstances like loss and jealousy can change someone, and their condition of humanity. After his wife dies, Hindley’s character changes dramatically. Before this loss, he loved his family dearly, and was content with his life. However, after her death, Hindley is subdued into a world of alcoholism and fury, to the point where he endangers the lives of his loved ones. This is shown when Hindley ‘carried him [his own son] upstairs and lifted him over the banister’ and actually drops him. Hindley is also affected by jealousy. Because his adoptive brother, Heathcliff, was favoured by his father, he had to endure being shadowed by Heathcliff all of his childhood, until his father died. Considering this, Hindley grew up to hate Heathcliff, and eventually destroyed Heathcliff, using him as a servant, placing him in a lower class. Therefore, Hindley indirectly ruined Heathcliff’s chances of obtaining Cathy’s hand in marriage. In conclusion, I feel that the novel by Emily Bronti helps us to understand the human condition in a way that no other novel does. Her unique way of showing love within the novel meant that she didn’t just show the initial attraction of love, but how it can corrupt one’s other feelings and thoughts. Bronti ‘s use of language within the novel displays the emotions and motivations of the characters successfully, and gives a great sense of the reality of the human condition to the novel. As a result of this, Bronti will remain one of the greatest writers to of lived, and her books will, and currently, remain as relevant and as important as they did in the 19th century.   Laura Pearson Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Book Summary “The Goal” Processes and Operations

Book Summary â€Å"The Goal† Processes and Operations Key Idea The main message of the book is that the proper way to manage any operation, whether it’s a manufacturing plant or a web design shop or a clothing store, is to: 1) Identify what needs to be changed. 2) Identify what it should be changed to. 3) Identify how to execute the change. Summary This story is based around the life of Alex Rogo, Plant Manager for Uniware, which is a division of Unico. After some very upsetting customer approaches Alex’s boss, Bill Peach, is given a challenge to turn the plant around in three months. More Summary of Devil at My HeelsDue to the limited amount of time available, there are not many outside tools available such as consultants, surveys, and so on. With very few hopes, Alex foresees the inevitable until he remembers his conversation with Jonah, a physicist who Alex knew from a previous job. It is not until Alex’s job is in at risk that he decides to devour into his conversation with Jonah. During the conversation, Jonah asks him several questions to analyze his company’s situation. The conversation leads ultimately to the question, â€Å"What is the goal of any business? After rethinking his conversation, Alex realizes that the goal of any business is to make money. Furthermore, if the goal is to make money any action toward this goal is considered productive and any action not moving towards the goal is nonproductive. Alex was unsure of such a simple answer and decided to contact Jonah to continue the search for more answers. Once Alex contacts Jonah th ey define the following measurements to define the success of any plant’s production: 1) Throughout = rate that the system is used to generate money through sales.This measurement would consist of what a product would be worth when sold at market value after deducting operational expense and inventory. 2) Inventory = all the money invested in purchasing items that will be sold. This could include the remains of their machines after being used toward the investment. 3) Operational expense = all the money used to turn inventory into output. This would include such items as depreciation of a machine, lubricating oil, scraps, etc. Jonah explains to Alex that a plant that is continuously productive is considered inefficient.He further explains that continuous production will result in high absenteeism, poor quality and employee turnover. Based on this, he would need to reduce operational expense and inventory to improve throughput to demonstrate a balanced line of production. Jona h leaves him to think about the understanding of two things: what are the dependent events and statistical fluctuations in his plant. During a hiking trip with Alex’s son, he produces a game for a few of the kids to demonstrate an ideal balance line of production.He does this by setting up dependents and uses a die to measure the statistical fluctuations. At the end of the game, he concluded that the bottleneck’s speed of production is what determines the speed of the other dependents. Therefore, inventory moves very slowly because of statistical fluctuations. In the end, this is where Alex began his search inside the plant. After arriving back at work, he and the crew began their search for the bottlenecks. They identify one of the robots, NCX-10, and the heat treatment area as the source of the bottlenecks.Once identified, they began their search for solving them. After following some simple steps they significantly increased production by 12% during the first two mo nths and 20% in the third month. Based on these increases, Alex saves the plant and his got promoted to Bill Peach’s position. Besides the ongoing theme of saving the plant, there is an underlying story about Alex’s personal life. In the beginning Alex’s wife, Julie, and him are constantly arguing about Alex working late in attempts of saving the plant which flows over into not spending any time with his family.Within the first 100 pages of the book, his wife leaves him, after being exhausted of all attempts to save their marriage. However, during his search for reclaiming the plant he does the same with his marriage. I think that the author is telling the audience that there must be a balance between these two lives. It is important for both to be in harmony because eventually they will flow in and out of each environment. Lessons Learned What I enjoyed the most about this book was the layout. It consisted of telling a story about Alex in a novel form, which in cluded dialog, plot, etc.By making the book in this way it broke the specifics down for a layperson, Alex. After all, Alex represents the average person – job going down the tube and marriage shortly following it. The source of the problem the whole time was following the rules that were and are continuously engraved into us each day. What I learned about this book is that you should not let your business and processes control you and lead you. Instead, you should be constantly criticizing and reviewing your processes and not settling for any bottlenecks or sticking points.Another major theme in the novel is that the point of a business is to make money, and more specifically, to make a profit. The way to do this is not to create as much as possible, but instead to run as efficiently as possible. That might require making drastic changes to common practices, things that on paper seem like they will hurt the bottom line. For example, in the book, they discover they’re r unning their manufacturing plant at 80% capacity. That means 20% of the time, they have machines and people just sitting there doing nothing. So they tell their sales manager to get them 20% more work.He says that they can only get it from a client who wants it at below cost, so they would lose money. But Alex convinces him that they only have materials as costs, as they have people doing nothing currently who are getting paid, so their time is not an additional expense. I thought this was very interesting. Application This book would be ideal for anyone interested in simplifying ways to improving any process – whether it is manufacturing or service oriented. These back to basics principles, help break down what has become â€Å"common practice†.

Bancassurance in Asia

The effect of bancassurance in the first quarter of 2010, was an increase in total premium income to $26. 91 billion, up 44% compared with the same period of 2009, this represents 8% higher compared to the overall insurance industry growth within the same period. Cotham, 2010) The main contributing factors for this trend have been the rapid growth of the Chinese economy leading to higher per capital income and the multiple economic reforms leading foreign companies to enter the insurance industry. In addition, the regulations introduced in 2003 played a major factor for the bancassurance growth. These regulations permitted banks to have multiple insurers as suppliers (â€Å"many-to-many† model). For instance, some major banks worked with 30 different suppliers for life insurance, and as many as 10 for property and casualty insurance. (Paribas, 2012) Although this model created growth, recently it has contributed to the slow down in the bancassurance market. Through this model, numerous complex insurance products were created and offered to clients by bank staff with minimal insurance expertise. As a result, demand decreased due to the lack of consumer understanding of the product and lack of trust. In addition, other major challenges in the bancassurance market are the financial market volatility (which makes insurance products less appealing compared to other wealth management products), intense competition and constant changes in regulations (particularly the introduction of CBRC 90 which prohibits insurance salesman from selling in banks). In turn, sales have declined. For instance, in 2011, sales through the bancassurance channel declined significantly and were blamed for an overall slowdown in premiums growth, from 29 percent to 11. KPMG,2012) India Just as in China, insurance products in India have been sold traditionally through agents. In addition, the insurance industry was entirely monopolized by the public sector. However, since the opening to private companies in the early 2000’s bancassurance through the distribution model has gained market share. In fact, it now accounts for about 25 per cent of new business for private insurers, with trends indicating that the proportion could rise to 40 per cent by the year 2013 (Cotham, 2012). In addition, India’s rapid economy has also played a major factor on bancassurance growth. However, just as China, India faces major challenges. The major challenges are poor manpower management, lack of a sales culture within the bank, no involvement by the branch manager, insufficient product promotions, failure to integrate marketing plans, marginal database expertise, poor sales channel linkages, inadequate incentives, resistance to change, negative attitudes toward insurance and unwieldy marketing strategy. (Sarvanakumar, 2012) Bancassurance in Asia The effect of bancassurance in the first quarter of 2010, was an increase in total premium income to $26. 91 billion, up 44% compared with the same period of 2009, this represents 8% higher compared to the overall insurance industry growth within the same period. Cotham, 2010) The main contributing factors for this trend have been the rapid growth of the Chinese economy leading to higher per capital income and the multiple economic reforms leading foreign companies to enter the insurance industry. In addition, the regulations introduced in 2003 played a major factor for the bancassurance growth. These regulations permitted banks to have multiple insurers as suppliers (â€Å"many-to-many† model). For instance, some major banks worked with 30 different suppliers for life insurance, and as many as 10 for property and casualty insurance. (Paribas, 2012) Although this model created growth, recently it has contributed to the slow down in the bancassurance market. Through this model, numerous complex insurance products were created and offered to clients by bank staff with minimal insurance expertise. As a result, demand decreased due to the lack of consumer understanding of the product and lack of trust. In addition, other major challenges in the bancassurance market are the financial market volatility (which makes insurance products less appealing compared to other wealth management products), intense competition and constant changes in regulations (particularly the introduction of CBRC 90 which prohibits insurance salesman from selling in banks). In turn, sales have declined. For instance, in 2011, sales through the bancassurance channel declined significantly and were blamed for an overall slowdown in premiums growth, from 29 percent to 11. KPMG,2012) India Just as in China, insurance products in India have been sold traditionally through agents. In addition, the insurance industry was entirely monopolized by the public sector. However, since the opening to private companies in the early 2000’s bancassurance through the distribution model has gained market share. In fact, it now accounts for about 25 per cent of new business for private insurers, with trends indicating that the proportion could rise to 40 per cent by the year 2013 (Cotham, 2012). In addition, India’s rapid economy has also played a major factor on bancassurance growth. However, just as China, India faces major challenges. The major challenges are poor manpower management, lack of a sales culture within the bank, no involvement by the branch manager, insufficient product promotions, failure to integrate marketing plans, marginal database expertise, poor sales channel linkages, inadequate incentives, resistance to change, negative attitudes toward insurance and unwieldy marketing strategy. (Sarvanakumar, 2012)

Friday, September 13, 2019

Usability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Usability - Essay Example There are many similar websites on the web for example Interseller (2010), but this one seems more organized in terms of its content and layout. There is a very useful option to increase the font size on the website so that older people or weak sighted people face no difficulty. There are few templates available on the website that are equipped with tools and features for enhancing usability. These templates can be downloaded for free and be used as a basis for further development. ‘Search Input Box’ is placed on the website to help the user find the required information on the website instead of browsing through the entire content. Information is grouped in a comprehensive manner for example; all the guidelines can be found in one section while templates can be found in the other. There is a print option that can facilitate the printing of the content on the website. The main aim of the site is communicated at the homepage in a clear and comprehensible manner. The whole website can be shared with someone via email, facebook, twitter etc. The sharing of this website will highlight the importance of usability and make people aware about the measures that have been taken by the government to enforce usability standards. A step-by-step visual map is present on the site to help the web designer understand the design process. There is a blogging area present on this site. It is very informative since it has articles and discussions related to the latest and emerging technologies. People can share their opinions and discuss the most effective measures that can be taken to enhance usability. I found many interesting articles there and aim to follow the discussions regarding my field of interest. It is a very useful site for the web developers and designers since they can follow a comprehensive step-by-step guideline to produce usable websites. Web designers are aware of the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The more advances that are made in Medicine, the more things stay the Scholarship Essay

The more advances that are made in Medicine, the more things stay the same. Discuss - Scholarship Essay Example The likely development of resistance or tolerance compromises the successful application of therapeutic from the first day of usage. This applies to agents in the treatment of fugal, bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections in addition to the treatment of chronic ailments including diabetes and cancer among many more. Furthermore, it is true to diseases caused by living things among them animals, human beings, plants, insects, and fish. Fifty years after the discovery of infectious agents, the discovery and application of antibiotics provided an immediate solution to one of the main diseases that wiped communities (Correll, 2001, p. 1708). They took a major step in revolutionizing medicine in various perspectives. Doctors saved millions of lives since then to date. The discovery of antibiotics became a turning point in the history of humanity. Sadly, continued use of antibiotics resulted into the development of resistance resulting in the appearance of strains resistant to drugs. Experts in the medical profession now send a warning that the world would easily return to the ear before the discovery of antibiotics. Reports from the World Health Organization show that at present, there are more than twenty thousand genes with the capacity to resistant treatment. Scholars refer to these genes as the r genes. The more than twenty thousand genes are in more than four hundred different types. Health experts have the capac ity to predict the genome impacts (Deutsch, 2007, p. 121). The good side of it is that there are few of such functional resistance within pathogens. Over the past sixty years academicians have delved into writing literature that describes the biochemistry and genetics of origins, various ways of antibiotic resistance, and evolution. Form of action, antibiotic discovery, as well as perspectives of resistance continue to produce productive topics for research in the